Monday, 31 October 2016

Let's go for SPA!

Assalammualaikum all!

It is the season for SPA, and this will be the final round for 2016!

SPA, which stands for Students-Parents Activities, is an initiative done by Genius Aulad as an invitation for parents to become 'teachers for a day' in their child's centres. SPA is held every alternate month throughout the year and every SPA has a different theme.

Our latest SPA theme is My Favourite Things, which means parents get to relive their old hobbies and games that they used to play when they were little. How cool is that?

We are in the midst of having SPA in our centres all around the country. Alhamdulillah, participation from parents and students have been nothing short of amazing. Parents not only obtained the opportunity to experience being a guardian for a group of children; they also managed to spend quality time with their child at school.

Check out some of the activities they had in the recent SPA:

Assembly time before the games begin.

One of the games they had was teng-teng, equivalent to hop-scotch. In this picture, we can see the children are learning to compromise and practice queuing up as they wait for their turn to jump jump jump!

Seen here, a mommy is teaching the curious crowd to play congkak, a traditional game of marbles in a special board usually made of wood. Look how interested the children are to learn, masyaAllah.

This outgoing daddy is demonstrating how to play dam, also known as checkers. Notice how the blue and green pieces are made of plastic bottle caps? This is an excellent example of recycling and having fun!

How precious is this picture? A boy is trying to main getah, a game similar to jump rope. Two teachers are both holding the end of the rubber-band rope for the boy to jump over it. The little onlookers must be watching to see if they can jump higher!

So there you have it, some of the activities that we had during our recent SPA session. The children sure had a lot of fun, and we recognize that parents' involvement in their child's play time is crucial to the child's development. We hope to keep having this activity in years to come, inshaa Allah.

Watch out for our next SPA session next year at you nearest Genius Aulad centre. Announcements would be made in Facebook as well!

May Allah bless our efforts and deeds.

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